A great loss

Gene Smith was a genius, a brilliant scholar with unrivalled knowledge of Tibetan history and culture. But, above all, he was a great man, so generous, humble and open.  With his wide vision and his extraordinary work for the preservation and dissemination of the Tibetan cultural heritage he has changed forever the future of Tibetan civilization. We sincerely hope that his work will continue for the benefit of the generations to come.

Giacomella Orofino

Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Italy

About Giacomella Orofino

Giacomella Orofino is Professor of Tibetan Studies at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” and President of the Center of Buddhist Studies that promotes the knowledge of Buddhist philosophy, literature, art and culture. She is the author of several publications on Tibetan religious literature and history among which: Sekoddesa. A Critical Edition of the Tibetan Translations, 1994; Naropa. Kalacakra. Iniziazione (with R. Gnoli), 1994; Ma Magcig. Canti spirituali, 1995; Il Tesoro Celeste. L’arte tibetana della medicina, 2000; Nomadi tibetani, 2003; Western Tibet and the Western Himalayas. Essays on History, Literature, Archaeology and Art (with A. Heller), 2007; Ponti Magici. Buddhismo e Letteratura Occidentale (wIth F. Sferra), 2009.
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