Smith Obituaries

Dear Friends,

I have updated the page to include other obituaries for Gene.

NY Times

Washington Post

The Economist

The Telegraph

The London Times

Huffington Post

Best wishes,

Jeff Wallman
Executive Director
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center

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One Response to Smith Obituaries

  1. Dina Wadhwa says:

    I am really sad to hear about the death of Mr. E. Gene Smith. I have known Mr. Smith from 1965 and have worked under him for 20 years. He was a Tibetan scholar and had vast knowledge of Indic studies. He could understand and speak several Indian languages. He was a good friend of many Indian scholars. In Delhi, his personal book collection was not only of Tibetan books but included books from India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. His collection was used by research scholars. He was such a good host that his house was always full with guests. He was my host when I visited Jakarta. He came personally to receive me at the airport. He gave special instructions to his house manager about my food as he knew I am a vegetarian. He will always be remembered by his friends.