Author Archives: paldor

From Pewar Rinpoche, Practice of Accumulations for E. Gene Smith

Pewar Rinpoche arranged for Gene an accumulation of  400 million of Amitabha’s mantra  and 300 million of Avalokiteshvara‘s six syllable mantras at Sertha Larung Gar. 100 million of each have been completed today (藏历25) and the rest will be completed 5 days later (藏历30,day of total eclipse of … Continue reading

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Practices dedicated to Gene Smith

Last week  Ms Xiaoyan Wu, requested Khangser bstan pa’i dbang phyug  Rinpoche to pray for Gene Smith. Ms. Hongxia Sun, Ms. Lixuan Chen, Ms. Fangmin Zhang and some other friends sponsored  and arranged a fish release ceremony, dedicating the merit to Gene Smith. On Amitabha’s day Ms. Hongxia Sun arranged … Continue reading

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Respects from Southwest University Library, Chengdu

本人参加海峡两岸学术交流会,于昨晚才从台湾返回。     惊闻金先生已经过世,悲痛万分!在此前的台北讲演中我还专门介绍了金先生一生为文献事业所做的贡献,还准备明年校庆时邀请他来学校为他的文献馆挂匾揭幕,万万没想到他老人家就这样仙逝了,真是世事无常!不过他老人家的一生是非常圆满的,他把他毕生的智慧和才能全部奉献给了藏文化的保护和发展事业上,并取得了世人瞩目的丰硕成果。他那高贵的品质和奉献精神更是值得我们永远学习和怀念!他的逝世不仅仅是我们文献事业的一大损失,更是整个藏学界的巨大损失!     我们为失去这样一位伟大的著名学者而深感痛惜!让我们深切哀思,缅怀这位曾经为藏学事业做出巨大贡献的先行者。让我们化悲痛为力量,继承他的遗志,不辜负他寄予我们的厚望,鞠躬尽瘁,为文献事业的发展贡献自己的一切才能。     金先生将永远活在我们的心中,永垂不朽!     在此,奔嘉向金先生的逝世致以沉痛的哀悼!向他的亲朋好友致以深切的慰问!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               奔嘉                                                                                                                                                                        2010年12月26日

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Statement by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche On the Passing of E. Gene Smith, 1936-2010

Many people were saddened by the passing of E. Gene Smith, a peerless champion of Buddhist learning and a walking treasure of knowledge. Gene’s incomparable scholarship of Buddhism in general, and Tibetan Buddhist history in particular, makes his passing a … Continue reading

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From Paldor

A  Journey I join you all in great sorrow over the loss of our precious Gene Smith. From the day I met Gene in 1998, and after I started working for TBRC in 2004, I began a journey of good … Continue reading

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